Benefits by installing power factor correction systems?
Power factor correction systems provide much benefit:
Your electric utility provides working (kW) and reactive power (kVAR) to your plant in the form of apparent power (kVA). While reactive power (kVAR) doesn’t register on kW demand or kW hour meters, the utility’s transmission and distribution system must be large enough to provide the total power. Utilities have various ways of passing the expense of larger generators, transformers, cables, switches, and the like, along to you.
The utility measures and bills every ampere of current, including reactive current in most countries. The utility charges according to the kW demand and adds a surcharge or adjustment for power factor. The adjustment may be a multiplier applied to kW demand.
The utility imposes a direct charge for the use of magnetizing power, usually a waiver of some percentage of kW demand.
Power factor correction capacitors increase system current-carrying capacity. Raising the power factor on a kW load reduces kVA. Therefore, by adding capacitors, you can add additional kW load to your system without altering the kVA.
Low power factor results when inactive motors are operated at less than full load. This often occurs in cycle processes—such as those using circular saws, ball mills, conveyors, compressors, grinders, punch presses, and the like—where motors are sized for the heaviest load. Examples of situations where low power factor (from 30% to 50%) occur include a surface grinder performing a light cut, an unloaded air compressor, and a circular saw spinning without cutting.Including power capacitors in your new construction and expansion plans can reduce the size of transformers, bus, switches, and the like, and bring your project in at lower cost.
Losses caused by poor power factor are due to reactive current
flowing in the system. These are watt-related charges and can be
eliminated through power factor correction. Power loss (watts) in
a distribution system is calculated by squaring the current and multiplying it by the circuit resistance (12R).
Types of Power Factor Correction Systems
ZDDQ Power factor correction products,
Our Power factor correction products covers from 220V(3P4W) to 35kV(3P3W). Main products are as follows,
One project--11kV 22MVAr Capacitor Banks
We just finished one project for 11kV project. The required capacity capacitor banks are two sets 11000kVAr, each one is installed with 6 steps, fixed(manual) type.
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