Instantaneous voltage drop in low voltage system
Jul 01,2024

First of all, the operation of inductive equipment must establish a magnetic field (such as a motor). Since the instantaneous start-up of large equipment requires the power grid to provide a large amount of Reactive Current to establish a magnetic field, the voltage of the system will be greatly reduced at the moment of equipment startup, causing other equipment to be protected or unable to operate normally or even damaged.

Many companies have encountered a problem. The electricity consumption is usually stable. This month's electricity consumption may be less than last month. Why is the electricity bill so much higher than last month? At this time, you should pay attention. It may be that there is a fault in the capacitor cabinet, resulting in a fine caused by low Power Factor.

In daily production, some users often start large equipment frequently (such as stamping machines), which causes the voltage to drop instantly, affecting the normal operation of other equipment or even burning.

We sugget solution:

Since a large amount of Reactive Current is required instantly when large equipment starts, it is necessary to quickly compensate the equipment for reactive power at the moment of starting, so as to reduce the reactive current absorbed by the equipment from the power grid at the moment of starting. However, since the equipment starts quickly and some equipment starts frequently and quickly, general compensation equipment cannot meet the requirements. Therefore, the SVG STATIC VAR GENERATOR (ZD-SVG) produced by our company can solve the problem of rapid compensation. The response time of the SVG module produced by our company is ≤5ms, which fully meets the startup requirements of the equipment and ensures that the system will not affect the normal operation of other equipment due to the frequent startup of large equipment.

200KVAR SVG Small Panel

Also ZDDQ focuses on the professional fields of compensation filtering and harmonic control. The company provides professional services from scheme design to device manufacturing to after-sales commissioning for many users with power quality problems; it also provides a series of professional services such as harmonic detection, design of transformation schemes, and device manufacturing for users with problems in capacitor cabinets or production equipment due to harmonic interference, solving the difficult power quality problems for new and old users.
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